South Korea in the Year of the Tiger

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 Chinese New Year wishes: Many South Korean nationalists contend that the peninsula resembles a tiger; hence this Year of the Tiger, it should exude the same strength and ferocity.

ACCORDING to the Chinese zodiac, the year 2022 is the Year of the Tiger. Although the younger generation in Korea is perhaps no longer interested in the zodiac, it still counts for the older generation. The zodiac says that those who are born in the Year of the Tiger are bold, courageous, and confident. At the same time, however, they tend to be impetuous, overindulgent, and unpredictable.

The shape of the Korean Peninsula has invited some interesting debates. Some people argue that the shape of the Peninsula resembles a rabbit. Others maintain that it looks like a shrimp. Yet there are also those who contend that the Peninsula resembles a tiger.

The rabbit is the image of a weak, docile, and peace-loving animal, and the shrimp may have the connotation of being a victim in the midst of a fight between whales. On the contrary, the tiger is the image of strength and ferocity.

Those who lived through Korea’s turbulent history over the last several decades support the rabbit or shrimp theory, whereas nationalists prefer the tiger image.

Lee O Young, South Korea’s former Culture Minister, presents an interesting theory. He contends that the Korean Peninsula resembles a trophy that strong nations want to possess. Since competitors constantly arise to challenge each other to win the trophy, Korea has always been vulnerable to the rise of a new power in the international community.

In the Year of the Tiger, South Korea should be “bold, courageous and confident,” when dealing with neighbouring countries when and

if they act like bullies or are hostile and threatening. At the same time, Korea should not be “impetuous, overindulgent or unpredictable,” in her relationship with friendly nations.

If we stand up to bullying nations, they would not dare to offend us anymore. When we are consistent and predictable to friendly nations, they will remain our faithful allies. If we act otherwise, we will be hopelessly bullied by hostile countries and lose respect and trust from friendly nations.

Some time ago, a group of Korean political science professors gathered at a roundtable meeting to discuss the future of Korea in the ever-intensifying conflicts between China and the United States. They unanimously insisted that South Korea should not choose one of the two. Disappointingly, however, they did not come up with any specific tactic of managing this dilemma.

Perhaps, not choosing a side is what “politics” is all about. Nevertheless, we expected some concrete guidelines from them in dealing with the compelling issues that will directly affect the future of Korea.

In the Year of the Tiger, the final hours for Korea to choose between the two options will come. We can no longer defer our decision and continue an opportunistic posture between the two. This Tiger year, we sincerely hope that our politicians choose wisely, so our country will continue to prosper and thrive. If our representatives make a wrong decision by any chance, our country would suffer the consequences and the future of our country would be grim. Besides, South Korea would lose respect in the international community. That would be equally fatal for the future of Korea.

The problem is that it is extremely difficult to find a solution to the dilemma we are now facing. Perhaps one way to get out of the quagmire is that we build a nation that is strong and has precious things the two conflicting countries urgently and desperately need.

Among others, semiconductors and electric batteries come to mind. Then, the two rival countries would treat us with greater respect. Currently, Samsung and Taiwan’s TSMC manufacture 70% of semiconductors of the world. Since Samsung’s main strength lies in semiconductor memory, which occupies a relatively small portion of the market, it should expand its manufacturing capacity to other semiconductors.

In the Year of the Tiger, the Korean people will have to make another choice. In March’s presidential election, Koreans will choose the person who will run the country for the next five years. It will be a choice not only between conservatism and progressivism, but also between capitalism and socialism, or liberal democracy and a people’s democracy. Our choice on that fateful Election Day will decide the destiny of Korea.

Indeed, Korea will be at the crossroads in the Year of the Tiger. If we choose the wrong road, we will be lost and doomed. If we choose the right road, however, our future will be bright and prosperous. Therefore, it is imperative for us to choose the right leader who can steer our country in the right direction in a perfect storm.

In the Year of the Tiger, we wish South Korea to become the tiger that poet William Blake described in his celebrated poem, “The Tyger.” It begins with, “Tyger Tyger, burning bright,/ In the forests of the night;/ What immortal hand or eye,/ Could frame thy fearful symmetry?”

We hope South Korea will emerge as a healthy, strong tiger roaring loudly and proudly on the peak of a mountain, not as a wounded, depressed tiger hiding in the jungle. – The Korea Herald/Asia News Network

By KIM SEONG-KON Kim Seong-kon is a professor emeritus of English at
Seoul National University and a visiting scholar at Dartmouth College.


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Good things on the trot in Year of the Horse for 2014

The noble horse should bring luck and harmony to those who make the proper observances.
Horse yr 2014The horse, the seventh animal in the Chinese zodiac, embodies characteristics such as strength, perseverance, speed, purity and loyalty. – EPA

WE are four days away from ushering in the Chinese New Year and I’m swamped with queries from readers as to how they can improve their luck and prosperity in the Year of the Horse.

Local and foreign geomancy experts have been giving varying views about this year’s outlook.

Several astrologers and feng shui experts have predicted the Year of the Horse to be a better year than the previous one and there are some who have forecast financial struggles and challenges.

Some people attribute their successes and windfalls to feng shui and spiritual practices and there are groups who relate them to hard work and coincidences.

So which philosophy is correct, or which one do we follow?

It depends on which faith system (Chinese or Indian) you observe.

I spoke to several experts recently on the subject of metaphysics to get some insight on the different schools of philosophy.

Feng shui consultant Henry Fong from Kuala Lumpur said that if one wants to have better luck and harmony in the Year of the Wood Horse, they would have to follow the orientation of certain things in their home.

For dwellers living in a house that is facing south, he said, they should not carry out renovations or they would activate Tai Sui, which would create problems for the occupants.

(Tai Sui refers to stars directly opposite to Jupiter. They influence the Chinese zodiac, and are involved in religious Taoism and feng shui.)

Fong urged people not to renovate the north sector for fear of triggering the three killing energies resulting in obstacles, disaster and robbery.

He said, however, that it would be good to occupy and spend time in the north, south and south-west sectors.

Fong said the north-west and east sectors should be avoided and if they are unable to do so, they should place metal items there to neutralise the negative energies that can lead to health problems.

Luck and fortune according to Indian vedic astrology is determined by the placement of the nine planets on an individual’s birth chart based on the date, month, year and time of birth.


According to Vasthu Sastra consultant and astrologer Master Yuvaraj Sowma from Chennai, luck and fortune are uncontrollable and people only get what they deserve based on their astrology and not what they desire.

He agrees that luck can be induced through spiritual practices like performing specific rituals to woo the energy of positivity.

Yuvaraj said the first six months of this year would produce better results than the second half.

From the Chinese almanac, the horse is naturally lucky when it comes to finance and career; meaning those born in the Year of the Horse will enjoy a better period.

To enhance destiny, luck symbols are made available in feng shui because of the belief that such products help chi flow gracefully through rooms, homes and offices.

Energy consultant and author Janarrdhana Guptha from India promotes good luck symbols as an effective way to manifest things that an individual wants to attract into his or her life.

According to him, symbolism is popular in almost every culture and symbols impact our subconscious mind, stimulate confidence and offer good outcomes.

“When the geometric shape, size, meaning and their other nuances are properly understood and activated, it results in transmission of energy which is the vital force that governs everything in the universe.

“Chi has the power to alter and amplify energy flow in any space,” said Guptha, who is the author of Guide To Feng Shui Good Luck Symbols.

He said the end result of using good luck symbols, charms, amulets and talismans is that they create an environment rich with positive energy that produces positive thinking, focused minds and confidence, and removes blockages.

In order for symbols to produce the anticipated results, the products should be cleansed and energised before use.

As for horse figurines, Guptha said the Chinese have always associated it with gifts given to emperors.

The horse is the seventh animal in the Chinese zodiac and it embodies noble characteristics such as strength, perseverance, speed, purity and loyalty.

For those who wish to have their talents and hard work acknowledged by their superiors, Guptha said they should place a flying horse figure in the south of their homes.

The horse statuette is ideal for those who are in marketing or the travel industry, and are frequent travellers.

Vasthu Sastra talk and astrology talk

T. Selva will present a talk on ancient secrets, Vasthu Sastra and the astrology forecast for 2014 from 3pm to 5pm on Feb 15 at Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (Utar), Jalan Universiti, Bandar Barat, Kampar, Perak. Admission is free. To register, call 012-329 9713.

Contributed by T. Selva The Star

You can follow T. Selva on twitter@tselvas and write to him at This column appears on the last Sunday of every month.

 T. Selva is the author of the Vasthu Sastra Guide and the first disciple of 7th generation Vasthu Sastra master Yuvaraj Sowma from Chennai, India.